What's Up at WRLG
The month of February was somewhat stressful, but less than last year. There were 4 live lambs born and one lamb who died during birth as she was so big and her mother was a first timer. I dealt with treating the sheep for lice and had to get a coat for Lady as she lost her own coat due to the lice and needed the protection. Two of the ewe lambs needed coats at first but both grew out of them(literally) and are now coatless. The last lamb born is a ewe lamb named Tempo and her mother is my oldest ewe named Rhythm.
Sparkle the Donkey had a health scare....she developed lamintitis which is inflammation of sensitive layers of tissue (laminae) inside the hoof in horses and other animals. It is very painful and Sparkle needed to be treated with pain killers and no grain to eat..... But she is better now and starting to act like her old self. I still need to be careful and keep her bedding on the soft side. Sparkle is not a young donkey at the age of 24 but not elderly either. Donkeys can live 27-40 years and I will try to keep her healthy and happy from now on. Comments are closed.
Mary Will Sussman Archives
February 2025
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